Home » Tibet Travel » Journey to the Nangchen region of Kham: Video by Annick Blanc

Journey to the Nangchen region of Kham: Video by Annick Blanc

Tibetan Lady
Tibetan Lady

The Nangchen region of Kham, in what is called the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, is by all accounts both prodigiously beautiful and culturally alive. Annick Blanc, who you may remember from her first video with us – a vibrant and beautiful record of a 4000 mile journey through Kham and Amdo in 2010 – is back this year with more remarkable work, this time from a 2013 trip focusing on Nangchen which she took with our friend and wonderful photographer Martin Newman. Introduction by Martin Newman

This is Annick Blanc’s video record of a trip taken by us to the remote Nangchen area of Kham, Tibet. The focus of our journey, as it has been in the past, was to explore villages and visit monasteries in the region far away from airports and tour buses.

In this video we spend time at watching people circumambulate the famous Gyanak Mani Temple complex and then travel to Gar, Tsechu, Tarna, Trulshik and Surmang Namgyal Tse monasteries and as well as other monasteries and nunneries. In addition, we camped at Jamar Waka and Tarna hot springs. It was our good fortune to also be present at a dance festival celebrating the recovery of Jyekundo from a devastating earthquake three years ago.

As always. we are grateful to the villagers who put us up in their homes and the monasteries that sheltered us for many cold nights in their guest rooms so that we could experience the wonders of this incredible area.

Video: Annick Blanc’s Exploration of Nangchen

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4 responses to “Journey to the Nangchen region of Kham: Video by Annick Blanc”

  1. Victoria Roig Avatar
    Victoria Roig

    Simply stunning and riveting to see the harshness of the landscape that in it’s harshness is beauty.
    The Tibetans who smile with eyes of kindness and simple joy which extends sincerely.

    I must ask and hope to find an answer to what and who is singing a haunting chant in the background particularly at about 27 mts. 27 seconds and also at the very end frame of the crew sitting together. It just gave me chills and even though I had no idea as to words they were not necessary oddly.

    Very grateful, it was a priviledge to view this….thank you. Victoria

    1. Hi Victoria! Great to hear from you. Annick Blanc made the video and there are credits at the end for the music. We’ll send your question to her and see if we can get a reply 🙂

      1. Jamyang Khedrup Avatar
        Jamyang Khedrup

        Hello, I’m from France. Could you pass on the following message to Annick please. Thank you.

        Bonjour Annick, c’est super. Je voudrais beaucoup aller à Jyékundo. J’ai fait des études de tibétain à l’université de Paris “Dauphine”, mais il y a très peu de gens qui ont fait des reportages de Yushu depuis le tremblement de terre.

        J’ai beaucoup étudié le Kalachakra après l’université. Je suis l’école Sakyapa et je crois que j’ai vu pas male de monastères Sakya dans tes deux vidéos, dont la Gompa de Tarna.

        Bizarrement sur Wiki elle apparaît comme Kagyu (Tana Monastery near Nangchen.). Il y a pourtant une photo de Sakya Trizin sur le trône de la gompa dans la vidéo.

        Peut-être est-ce une autre gompa? Yushu est criblé de monastères Sakya.

        Pourrais-tu me donner quelques idées pour un voyage au Kham? Locations de véhicules etc….hôtels, autres détails.

        Je parle assez bien le tibétain, et comprends (dans les grandes largeurs) le dialecte de Yushu. Je pense pouvoir me débrouiller au Kham mais serais bien averti d’avoir un (bon) guide.

        Je suis bouddhiste religieux depuis 46 ans alors faire un voyage au Kham serait un aboutissement pour moi. J’ai fait deux voyages au U et Tsang voilà quinze ans et trente cinq ans.

        Des idées?

        Espérant avoir des nouvelles de toi (et “Marty”).

        1. Sure, we did pass it on to Annick 🙂 Let us know if you need a referral for a guide in Kham, if Annick doesn’t have a chance to get back to you.

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