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Mount Kailash Videos

In this collection of Mount Kailash videos, get a peek before you go into the three-day trek around one the world’s holiest mountains.

Mount Kailash Videos: Pilgrims in the early stages of the Kailash kora on the first day out of Darchen
Pilgrims in the early stages of the Kailash kora on the first day out of Darchen

2024 Travel Advisory: 

China is piloting visa-free programs for certain countries for entry to China, but all international travelers to Tibet also require a special Tibet permit.

US travelers must have both a Chinese visa (which you get on your own in the US) and a special Tibet travel permit, which you must get from an official Tibet travel agency. Starting January 1, 2024, China is simplifying the visa process for Americans, removing required proof of round-trip flights, hotel reservations and itinerary.

If you need help traveling to Tibet, ask us for an introduction to a reliable Tibetan travel agency here, at no cost to you.

These videos were taken in September 2017 by Yolanda O’Bannon and Meg Moser during their 3-day kora (a pilgrimage walk around the holy mountain).

NOTE: If you are planning to take a trip to Tibet, you should know that no independent travel is allowed to Tibet. Since you must work with a travel agency, you want to be sure to choose a trustworthy, Tibetan-owned agency, which hires only Tibetan guides. The simplest way to do this is ask us to connect you to one of the reliable Tibetan-owned travel agencies that we use ourselves.

Mount Kailash Kora: A Quick Overview

This one is a brief compilation of various Mount Kailash videos we took over the 3 days.

Dolma La Pass

On the second, most difficult, day of the trek/kora, you leave early morning from the Drirapuk Monastery area to head up and over the 18,500ft / 5636 m Dolma La pass, and then a long, exhausting descent down to Zutulpuk Monastery.

Placing Prayer Flags at the Dolma La Pass

We joined Tibetans in placing prayer flags at the top of the holy pass, with names of our loved ones written on them, as blessings.

View of Kailash from the Barkha Plain

Mount Kailash rises above the vast Barkha plain, and you can get some great views of the mountain from spots on the plain on the way to nearby Lake Manasarovar.

Lake Manasarovar and Chiu Gompa

Scenes from Chiu Gompa, and beautiful, sacred, Lake Manasarovar, looking over the Barkha Plain back to Kailash.

Zutulpuk to Darchen: Day 3

The last, and easiest of the three days of the kora lead you from Zutulpuk Monastery back into your starting point of Darchen.

If you’ve dreamed of visiting Tibet and trekking the holy mountain yourself, check out these posts for more information:

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4 responses to “Mount Kailash Videos”

  1. This was fantastic! Thank you. I may not get there in my lifetime. This may be as close as I get. And in my dreams. Thank you.💗

  2. Kesavan Avatar

    Thanks for sharing, i love Tibet, sharing is caring, love to all, will meet someday

  3. Michael Avatar

    A great reminder of my trek – which was only just a few weeks after yours in Oct ’17! (We didn’t have any snow even in the pass.)

  4. Dianne Avatar

    Wow thank you so much for those videos – it looks amazing!

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